Wednesday, July 31, 2019

General Management Essay

Case on Discomfort in a factory and Management Decision MakingMohan remembered the call from the head office as he puts down the telephone receiver. His boss fromhead office he said, â€Å"I just read your analysis and I want you to go down to our plant in Kollakal near Mysore right away. You know we cannot afford this plant any more – the costs are just too high. So godown there, check out what would be our operational costs would be if we move, and report back to mein a week. â€Å"Mohan knew the challenge quite well as the branch manager of the Good will Specialty Products. Hiscompany is into manufacturing of special apparel for injured and people with other medical conditions. He needs to deal with high-cost labor in a remote village not so sophisticated plant, unionized manufac-turing plant. Although he had done the analysis there were 480 people who made a living at this facilityand if it is closed most of them will find it very difficult to get another job in the small town consisting of about 10 000 people. Instead of the Rs. 20/- per hour paid to the Kollakal workers the wages paid to the migrant workers near Aurangabad will be much cheaper Rs. /- hour working in sub human conditions. This provides a savingof 15 lakhs to the company for a year, which, can now be used to meet the costs for training, transporta-tion and other matters. After two days of talking with Migrant workers association and representatives of other companies usingthe same services in the town, Mohan had enough information to formulate alternative plan for produc-tion and the c ost figures for production and transportation. What was bothering him was only the thoughtthat how is going to handover the termination of service notice to the Kollakal workers. The plant in Kollakal had been in operation since 1930s making special apparel for persons sufferingfrom injuries and other medical conditions. Mohan has often talked to the employees who would recountstories of their fathers and grant fathers working in the company plant-the last of the original manufactur-ing operations in the town. AN ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIFIED INTERNATIONAL B-SCHOOL But friendship aside competitors had already edged past Good will in terms of price and were dangerous-ly close to overtaking it in product quality. Although Mohan and his Boss had tried to convince the unionto accept the lower wages, union leaders resisted it. In fact, in one occasion when Mohan tried to discussa cell manufacturing approach, which would cross train employees to perform up to three different jobs,local union leaders could barely restrain their anger. Yet probing beyond their anger Mohan sensed their vulnerability, but could not break through. Tomorrow he will discuss his report with the CEO. Mohan does not want to be responsible for disman-tling of the plant at Kollakal, an act, which Mohan believes is personally wrong, but he is helpless. Mo-han said to himself â€Å"The costs are too high, the union’s unwilling to cooperate, and the company needs tomake a better return on its investment if it has to continue at all. It sounds right, but it feels wrong. Whatshould I do? Questions : 1. Assume you want to lead the change to save the Kollkal plant. Describe how you would proceed? 2. What is the primary type of change needed – technology, product, structure or people/culture? 3. What techniques would you use to overcome union resistance and implement change? i need the answers for this case study plz provide me

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Research: Sampling and Chili Sauce

1. 0Introduction The paper seeks to propose a research on the management of Tesco Stores Malaysia would like to introduce own branded chili sauce to Malaysia consumer. This paper will be organized under the following broad headings: * Problem identification * Literature review * Research philosophy and approach and research design * Data collection 2. 0General statement of the Problem. There are many type of products in the market. For example, in Malaysia there are more than ten type of chili sauce are selling in the market.Tesco would like to introduce its own branded chili sauce to the Malaysian consumer. The main factor of successful to introduce the chili sauce is the acceptance of the consumer. Brands vary in the amount of value and power they have in the marketplace. For example, Life brand chili sauce is a well known in the existing market, when a consumer knows that a brand exists in the market, the brand is said to have high brand awareness. If consumers’ awareness t owards the brands is high, its brands equity is also high.Besides that, the quality of the chili sauce also important, consumer will compare the ingredient, texture and etc with the other brands of chili sauce. A brand is valued high when consumers stay loyal to that particular brand. Consumers don’t switch to other brands and they willing to wait even if the store runs out stock. Example of products and brand that have high brand loyalty are Kimball, Maggie and Life. A brand is perceived to have high value if the brand is of goods quality. 3. 0Formulated research questionThe aim of this research is to survey the successfulness of the management of Tesco Stores Malaysia to introduce its own brand to the consumer. The research questions are: 1) To investigate quality, packaging, availability, range, promo and how the perceptions differ across demographic profile, that is level of income and age group. 2) Pricing 3) To determine the perception of customer towards to know the pr oduct quality. For example, the chili sauce texture, taste and so on. 4. 0Literature ReviewNo. | Author / title| Objective| Variable| Methodology| Finding| 1. | Marketing Communications Plan for : a new sauce brand under magi by nestleAuthor : IIoka Benneth Kueh Yi Kia Teng King Wee| To increase the market share and sales volume of Maggi brands in Malaysia up to 10 percent by the 12th month of compaign. To increase brand awareness of Maggie brand in Malaysia up to 20 percent by the end of the 12th Month. To generate up to 10 percent of total sale of Maggie brand in Malaysia. Selecting a new brand, unique selling point, positioning, new label design and packaging graphic, advertising and other promotional strategic. | Survey research will be used on the commencement, middle and conclusion stages of the campaign. A media evaluation service will be engaged to ascertain whether the media accomplished (qualitative and quantitative)Website participation be evaluated. | The strengths and w eaknesses of internal and external factor of Maggi.For example, Management, marketing, research and development,Competitive, technology and so on. | 2. | H. J. Heinz Inc: Industry AnalysisAuthor : Kasey FeigenbaumJustin WhiteElliott Matticks| Heinz is seeking to expand its offerings by focusing on emerging markets in countries such as brazil, Philippines, Turkey, and Vietnam where there is large potential growth. | Heinz is striving to develop globally while positively impacting the world. The company is promoting sustainability and supplying more than 30 countries with natural hybrid tomato seeds. Products sold through heinz’s own sales organizations through independent brokers, and agents distributors of chains, wholesalers, cooperative and independent grocery accounts, convenient stores, bakeries and so on. â€Å"Heinz Ketchup Road trip† and the campaign was pitched on social media site including twitter and facebook. | Heinz manufactures and markets products meet t he standards of individual countries, and the needs and wants of consumers in these countries.Heinz focuses on marketing their products with an emphasis on health, wellness and sustainability. | 3. | Cooking with ease: new Kikkoman Asian sauce line make home preparation of ethnic cuisine more convenient, providing consumers with an easy means of cooking Asian cuisine is a smart move and the new Kikkoman Restaurant series Asian Sauces supply this mean for today’s busy consumer. | One of the goals during the development of Kikkoman Asian sauces was maintaining an authentic or traditional flavor in each of the four varieties. During product development, several prototypes underwent numerous iterations and internal tests to ensure the ideal flavor profile was created in each version. | â€Å"The reason behind our decision to launch this brand new product line, the Kikkoman Restaurant Series Asian Sauces, results from extensive market research with consumers revealing the trend t hat Asian cuisines are becoming very popular,† says Shig Nemoto, vice president of sales and marketing at Kikkoman. â€Å"Kikkoman is known as the expert in the manufacture of soy sauces and teriyaki sauces, and our corporate strategy was to grow and extend within the same arena through the popular Asian flavors captured in these sauces,† says Nemoto. â€Å"Our brand is perceived as the highest quality product, and we expect consumers will associate these new entities, this new product line, with the same standard for high quality. â€Å"| 4. | Campbell reaches into pouch to heat up soup salesAuthor : Martinne Geller| Introducing new line called â€Å"Campbell’s Go†.Campbell plans to extent that line to other simple meals that are meant to appeal to younger shoppers with graphic that are edgier than Campbell’s traditional products. | The company plans to launch over 50 new items in fiscal 2013| Campbell spending on advertising to spur sales, rathe r than price-driven promotions. | Campbell’s are changing plan will not go back to heavy discounting and they confidence that between the levers of price, promotion, brand building and news to the base with innovation, they will be able to fully competitive in this business. 5. 0Research philosophy and approach & research design. In research, understanding of the appropriate research philosophy and approach is important before beginning a research. Quantitative analysis can be done for a number of reasons such as measurement, performance evaluation of a financial instrument. It can also be used to predict real world events such as changes in a share price. A business or financial analysis technique that seeks to understand behavior by using complex mathematical and statistical modeling, measurement and research.By assigning a numerical value to variable, quantitative analysts try to replicate reality mathematically. The survey can be collect from population There are issued a ssociated with population decline and changes in population composition in the developed world (low fertility, population ageing, increasing international migration and ethnic minority population) and those associated with population growth and environment in the developing world (rapid decline of fertility, disease and mortality control and urbanization).Population studies, as an integrated social science, seeks to examine processes and patterns of population change their local and global impact. For example, from the population we can collect the data of gender, age range, gender and so on to analysis the data how many of people like Tesco own brand chili sauce, how many don’t like. Besides that, the research also can collect data through questionnaire. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of question and other prompt for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.Questionnaire have advantages over some other type of survey in that they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have standardized answer that make it simple to compile data. For example, questionnaire may include the question of the consumer satisfaction to the Chili sauce like the texture, taste, ingredient, price, packaging and so on. Other than that, sampling techniques provide a range of method that enable the researcher to reduce the amount of data needed, by considering only data from a subgroup rather than from all possible cases or element.In order to ensure that the data collected is representative, a few term related to the concept of sampling must be understood like population, element, censes, population frame or study population, sample, sampling unit or subject and sampling frame. The reason for using a sample are many; in research investigation involving several hundreds and even thousands of elements it would be impractical to collect data, test or examine every element. Con sider the cost of using a census, the time and the human resources needed; they are prohibitive.The quality of the information obtained from a sampling study is likely to be more reliable than from a census; this is mostly because fatigue is reduced and fewer errors will result in collecting the data, especially if a large number involved. In some situations, sampling is required. In testing the chili sauce of Tesco product, it would be impossible to test the entire population because the amount is large. A variety of sampling designs are available and the choice depends on the requirements of the research, the objectives of the study and the resources available.The sampling technique available is divided into two type. Probability sampling, the chance of probability of each case being selected from a population is known and is usually the same. It is based on the concept of random selection, which is a controlled procedure that assures each population element, or case is given a kn own –zero chance of selection. By using a probability samples, it is possible to answer research questions and to achieve objectives of estimating characteristics of the population from the sample. Thus, probability sampling is often used in surveys and in experimental research.In non-probability sampling, the probability of each case being selected from the total population is not known, and it is impossible to answer research questions or to address objectives that require statistical inferences about the characteristics of the population. Although generalizations could still be made from non-probability samples about the population, it cannot be done on statistical grounds. For this reason, non-probability sampling is often used in a case study research. 6. 0Data collection Data collection can be collect by using simple random sampling.In this sampling technique, each population element has an equal chance of being selected into the sample. The samples are drawn using rand om number tables or generators. This technique is best used if an accurate, complete and easily accessible sampling frame is available. By using random numbers, the selection of sample is done without bias, thus making the sample representative of the whole population. The Tesco management can randomly choose the consumer from the Tesco card member randomly to send the questionnaire by e-mail, posted mail or Short Message Service (SMS).From the database of the Tesco store can send by the area Tesco. For example, Penang Tesco will send questionnaire to the consumer who join the member at Penang Tesco, that mean the consumer maybe stay near Penang, same to Bukit Mertajam Tesco and other too. In this sampling technique the questionnaire, the major disadvantages of this sampling form is that is requires a listing of the population elements. This will take longer time to implement if the population covers a large random geographical area of selection, then a selected case is likely to be dispersed throughout the area, and will be costly due to the postage charges.The Tesco management can prepare reply envelope to the consumer that who don’t have e mail address and have to by normal postages, this is easier the consumer return the questionnaire. 7. 0Conclusion. A good sample should be accurate; there is little or no bias or systematic variance. Research is to collect accurate data and to analysis then only the management of Tesco Stores Malaysia know whether it would be feasible to introduce its own branded chili sauce to the Malaysia consumers after evaluated the entire questionnaire that received back from the consumer.Reference http://www. iservices. ilokabenneth. com/images/Maggi_Nestle. pdf http://www. culturaldiplomacy. org/culturaldiplomacynews/content/articles/participantpapers/2011/april/biec-roa-nua/h. j. _heinz_inc-_industry_analysis-_kasey_feigenbaum. pdf http://goliath. ecnext. com/coms2/gi_0199-5295700/Cooking-with-ease-new-Kikkoman. html http:/ /www. reuters. com/article/2012/02/22/us-campbellsoup-idUSTRE81L22V20120222 OPEN UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (OUM), AUGUST 2011 BBRC4103

Monday, July 29, 2019

Thermodynamics and Fluids II Laboratory tests and report Lab

Thermodynamics and Fluids II Laboratory tests and - Lab Report Example The potential to kinetic energy conversion takes place in the stagnation point; the point situated at the Pitot’s tube entrance, as see in the schematic diagram below, Figure 2 below. A pressure higher or greater than the free-stream pressure, that is dynamic, results from the conversion kinematic to potential. This "static" pressure is obtained by comparing it to the dynamic pressure of flow with the differential manometer (CÃŒ §engel and Cimbala, 2014). The conversion of the resulting differential pressure measurements into respective fluid velocity heavily depends on the specified fluid’s flow regime a Pitot tube is measuring (Spurk and Aksel, 2008). In case of an incompressible flow, below is the Bernoulli equation describing the relationship between the pressure and velocity along the streamline: The simple pitot tube is comprised of an opening at the tip where pressure can be compared with the atmospheric pressure, or the pressure at pipe through that the flow passes (Boyes, 2010). The Pitot tube is when taking the local velocity measurements at the given point of the flow. The speed of airflow is determined when there is change in pressure between the two holes found in the Pitot tube; known via head (Kundu, Cohen and Dowling, 2012). Therfoe the speed of airflow is calculated using Bernoulli’s equation: The purpose of this laboratory was to analyze jet pumps using knowledge of fluid mechanics learned in the course. Assumptions of steady flow and no friction were applied and these theoretical results will be compared to the experimental results obtained by measuring the flow at the end of the jet pump. The SI units were used during the analysis for easy conversion among different variable. Head was directly proportional to actual pressure, high heads translated into high velocities; the fast jet had a large head drop. The pitot tubes are greatly affected by the Reynolds number when operating at low fluid velocities. Pitot tube’s accuracy

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Answer question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Answer question - Essay Example emergencies medical service (EMS) agency, it is now obvious that law enforcement has a fundamental role in delivering pre-hospital emergency medical care. The straightforward nature of police patrols naturally places law enforcement officers all through communities along with neighborhoods to discourage crime and instantaneously respond to crime in progress as well as handle other issues of law enforcement. Fire departments along with third service Ems agencies; though usually stage their apparatus and workers in stations in the society or response region ("Police, Fire, EMS - Law Officer"). In some places, EMS agencies employ system status management to position ambulances as well as rescue units in premeditated areas based on time of day and call volume. Since police officers are always on patrol in localities, they utilize system status management and consequently often get at the scene of a medical emergency earlier than other EMS givers ("Police, Fire, EMS - Law Officer"). For this reason, several officers may be able to begin primary assessment also to the treatment of patients. Furthermore, during their regular work, like responding to automobile accidents along with assaults, they are always in situations that necessitate medical

Evolution of the World Bank Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Evolution of the World Bank - Case Study Example The World Bank is a group of five closely associated international organizations responsible for providing finance and advice to countries for the purposes of economic development and eliminating poverty. Its five agencies are: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); International Finance Corporation (IFC); International Development Association (IDA); Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The World Bank's activities are particularly focused on economically backward developing countries. These activities are in fields such as agriculture and rural development (e.g. irrigation, rural services), human development (e.g. education, health), infrastructure (e.g. roads, urban regeneration, electricity), governance (e.g. anti-corruption, legal institutions development) and environmental protection (e.g. pollution reduction, establishing and enforcing regulations). Each of these organizati ons has their own aims and objectives. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) aims to reduce poverty in middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting sustainable development through loans, guarantees, risk management products, and analytical and advisory services. The IBRD and IDA provide loans at preferential rates to member countries, as well as grants to the poorest countries for developmental activities. Most of the times loans or grants for specific projects that may result in improvement of policy changes. For instance, loans to improve coastal environmental management that may be linked to development of new environmental institutions at national and local levels and to implementation of new regulations to limit pollution. The main activities of the IFC and MIGA include investment in the private sector and capitalizing insurance respectively (Wikipedia, 2007a). The IBRD was established in 1944 as the original institution of the World Bank Group. It is structured like a cooperative that is owned and operated for the benefit of its'185 member countries (, 2007). IBRD raises most of its funds on the world's financial markets. In 1946 the Bank had an authorized capital of $10 bi11ion, worth about 20 times as much today. However, all through its development it has been singularly garnered more controversy and criticism than any other international financial or development institution. In 1993 the Bank's total callable capital was almost $166 billion, though of that only $10.53 was paid in (Rich, 1994). The income that IBRD has been generated from the time of its inception has allowed it to fund development activities and to ensure its financial strength. As a result of this it is enabled to borrow at low cost and offer clients good borrowing terms (, 2007). From mid 1946 to mid 1986 the World Bank lent a total o f $160 billion for 4,000 different projects in around 100 countries, and has even more increased in the last few decades. By any reckoning the Bank's resources are huge (Hardy, N.D.). Till date IBRD has not suffered any losses

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Knowledge Management Plan for Dell Inc Case Study

Knowledge Management Plan for Dell Inc - Case Study Example Many businesses are rich in information or are able to create sufficient knowledge, but they fail to effectively share it with others or to utilize it for the overall benefits of the organization. Knowledge Management provides a management framework that helps create knowledge, share it with others and use it for the business to achieve its targeted goals (Christensen, 2003, p. 14). This paper is prepared as a report to be submitted to the CEO and management executives of Dell Inc outlining a Knowledge Management plan and useful KM strategies for the company to achieve greater competency in its business landscape. Dell Inc, a very successful fortune 500 company within few years, has recently implemented its ‘customization’ strategy for computer marketing with an objective of ‘collecting more accurate and reliable information from its customers’. This paper recommends a KM plan to Dell Inc to make use of information and knowledge that it gathers from customers to the overall benefits of the company. Knowledge is power. When it comes to a company, it is a powerful asset and critical factor to the business success. Many organizations have found effective knowledge management as an extremely useful management strategy that helps it adapt to the changes and modern requirements due to technological advances and helps gain competitive advantages. The KM is a recent development and new interdisciplinary approach to the Human Resource Management and it involves people, process and technology in an organization. This piece of research work presents a brief explanation of knowledge management and an overview of Dell Inc and it's business strategies to find an effective knowledge management plan for the company to help it gain better business outcomes.

Friday, July 26, 2019

New York City Mayor Dinkins, Giuliani, and Bloomberg Essay

New York City Mayor Dinkins, Giuliani, and Bloomberg - Essay Example b. Rodulf Guiliani – Rudy Guliani ran under the slogan of effective policing and ending crimes to restore the quality of life in New York. This slogan won him the Mayoralty of New York in 1990 with a narrow margin over David Dinkins who was perceived to have poor control over the criminalities in New York. Rudy was known to have significantly reduced crime and cleaned New York of its rogue elements. He was famous for implementing his â€Å"Broken Window† approach that any disorder in the city, however small, should be dealt with firmly (Sapir, 2009). Guiliani’s â€Å"broken windows† posits that by being firm against small crimes, it sends a message that serious crime will surely not be tolerated also and such, reduction of crimes will follow (The Vancouver Province, 2008). During Guiliani’s term as a mayor, the drop of crime rates in New York exceeded all national figures. Frank Zimring in his book The Great Crime Decline concluded that the drop in crime rate in New York was a result of serious policing of Guiliani’s administration (2006). Guiliani’s term ended in 2001, the same year of the infamous September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center. Being famous of how he handled the 9/11 crisis â€Å"he tried to overturn term limits so he could run again but was rebuffed† (Rudin, 2009). He instead endorsed Michael Bloomberg for the mayoralty race under the slogan of fighting crime as Guiliani reminding New Yorkers about â€Å"the fear of going out at night and walking the streets," and suggesting that if Bloomberg were to lose, "this city could very easily be taken back in a very different direction — it could very easily be taken back to the way it was with the wrong political leadership (Rudin, 2009)". Bloomberg won by a narrow margin. c. Michael Bloomberg – unlike Guiliani, Michael Bloomberg was able to run for a third term when he successfully passed a bill through the New York City Council in 2009 that removes term limits which in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Account for the changing attitude of Federral Government to the issue Essay

Account for the changing attitude of Federral Government to the issue of African-American Civil Rights in the period 1863-1965 - Essay Example Likewise, 1965 holds value because it is the year after the Civil Rights act was passed and the year the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed. The Emancipation Proclamation and the Voters Rights Act are separated by virtually 100 years, during which time the Civil Rights Movement and the United States Federal government shared a very tumultuous relationship.In the 1850's and 60's Sojourner Truth played a pivotal part in bringing together diverging groups within the Civil Rights movement, but it would be her historical sit down with President Abraham Lincoln that would signify the start of a collaborative relationship between the movement and the United States Federal government.At a women's rights convention in Akron, Ohio after women had chanted in opposition of Truth speaking, despite their disapproval she stood up and said, "I could work as much and eat as much as a man ... and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman I have borne thirteen children, and seen 'em most all sold of f to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman (Joseph, 1990)" Here Truth's words came to define the role of the black woman in the feminist movement and exemplify the extreme direction of the cause. She identified the place of the woman in American society as equal to a man's. Later on in an Equal Rights Convention in New York, she would go on to say, "There is a great stir about colored men getting their rights, but not a word about the colored women; and if colored men get their rights, and not colored women theirs, you see the colored men will be masters over the women, and it will be just as bad as it was before. So I am for keeping the thing going while things are stirring; because if we wait till it is still, it will take a great while to get it going again (Lewis, 1999)." This attitude she had was a response to the political climate surrounding the Civil Rights activism during her era. It was divided between two groups , black men and white women, leaving no space for the plight of the black woman to protest for her rights. She was essentially a radical feminist because she was a key activist in both the Feminist and the Abolitionist movements, but she denounced the need for male contribution in the drive towards equal rights with statements like, "Where did your Christ come from From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him (Lewis, 1999)" "If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them (Lewis, 1999)." Likewise, her book The Narrative of Sojourner Truth, published in 1850 chronicled her life and became used as a powerful doctrine to persuade readers to support abolishing slavery for both male and female blacks, making a prominent figure in both movements. The money she received from the book also provided Truth with the money needed to buy a house in Florence Massachusetts, which was unheard of for a former sla ve. The success of the novel also established her as a respected public speaker known for her insight and wit. This insight she became known for also led her to be the first activist to connect the rights of slaves and blacks with the woman's movement. This was a connection that was met with much resistance by traditional moderate Feminists. Politics It was the Inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln on March 4th, 1961 that would mark the beginning of the United States Federal government's involvement with the Civil Rights

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

United States Economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

United States Economy - Research Paper Example Introduction: History of the economy of United States We are going to go aboard on a journey to look at the economy of United States. This inquisitiveness will lead us to scrutinize the economy’s operations, structures, and performance at a given time and its changes over time. We are going to look at the industries that have become additionally important in the United State economy and how the government is taking over the share of the nation’s output. The growth of people’s income, the distribution of people’s income among many more will be addressed. For a long time, the key to United States economy had been southern agriculture. But the civil war which began in April 1861 nearly destroyed everything. However, the country came out of the war with economic tools to put up the strongest economy in the world. Within 30 years, the United States led the whole world in manufacturing. After 80 years, it contained half of the world’s industry. From 1871 to 1890, United States experienced the second industrial revolution. These are social and economic changes that result from wide use of machines in production. Inventions made work easier and safer and this created the whole industry. Factories started operating using mass production and all this led to growth of the economy. Between 1861 and 1941, the economy of United States had risen from boom to bust. This was a period between the civil war and II world war. In the foremost or subsequent decade, the United States economic market growth took place in an environment where policies set by regulators were dramatically changing and conditions in the market were unstable (Garcia, 2011). This... For a long time, the key to United States economy had been southern agriculture. But the civil war which began in April 1861 nearly destroyed everything. However, the country came out of the war with economic tools to put up the strongest economy in the world. Within 30 years, the United States led the whole world in manufacturing. After 80 years, it contained half of the world’s industry. From 1871 to 1890, United States experienced the second industrial revolution. These are social and economic changes that result from wide use of machines in production. Inventions made work easier and safer and this created the whole industry. Factories started operating using mass production and all this led to growth of the economy. Between 1861 and 1941, the economy of United States had risen from boom to bust. This was a period between the civil war and II world war. In the foremost or subsequent decade, the United States economic market growth took place in an environment where policies set by regulators were dramatically changing and conditions in the market were unstable (Garcia, 2011). This resulted to disappointing and volatile profitability of financial sector. Financial sector recorded 1.5 percent of Gross Domestic Product from 1960 to 1970s but after wards reduced to 1 percent in 1980s. In 1990s, the Gross Domestic Product began to rise and within ten years, it was up to 3 percent.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

HOMEOSTASIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HOMEOSTASIS - Assignment Example Insulin facilitates the uptake of the glucose in the blood by cells to result in cellular respiration. However, an excess amount of the glucose remains in the bloodstream. The enzyme facilitates the conversion of excess amounts of soluble glucose to glycogen, an insoluble carbohydrate stored in the body muscles and the liver ( 2013). The body utilizes large amounts of glucose in the blood to perform actions. During periods of illness, the body uses glucose to boost the immunity. As such, the sugar levels in the bloodstream drops below the ideal level, resulting in deficits reducing rates of cell respiration. The situation may also result from increased fasting and starvation. In these periods, the pancreas releases glucagon, which facilitates the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and muscles into glucose for circulation in the blood stream ( 2013). A continuous series of these two processes maintains the level of blood sugar. This is a condition where the blood contains an excess amount of glucose due to failure of the body to use glucose for cellular respiration. The causes of high blood sugar are failure of the pancreas to secrete sufficient insulin or the failure of the cells to respond to insulin. The symptoms range from increased thirst, tiredness to frequent urinating. In this is condition the blood sugar level drops below the ideal level, resulting in a deficit ( 2013). Medications taken orally may result in accidental hypoglycemia. Excessive consumption of alcohol may block the release of glucose into the bloodstream by the liver lowering the blood sugar. The condition may result from the occurrence of some diseases in severe strains in the liver. Kidney disorders prevent the excretion of medication that build up and affect the glucose levels in the blood. Tumors in the pancreas stimulate overproduction of insulin that facilitates

Monday, July 22, 2019

Well-Being In The UK Essay Example for Free

Well-Being In The UK Essay Racism is a socially constructed phenomenon, evident within mainstream societys individual and institutional value systems. The corrosive effects of racism seriously impinge upon the life chances and life expectancy of ethnic minorities, living within the United Kingdom. Within this essay I will attempt to highlight the social implications of racism, illustrating the relationship between racism, poverty and social exclusion. I will also consider recent government legislation and the contribution required from Social Services to combat the perpetuating effects of racism. Within todays society racial classification creates a dominant framework of superior and inferior beings, some still believe superiority of one race over another is a result of biological indifferences. According to De Gobineaue the white race possesses intelligence, morality and will power superior to those of the others [other races] (Giddens 1993:264). Alternatively, black races are considered to be, in educable, deviant and inferior to their white counterparts. These stereotypical viewpoints embody the essence of racism; Giddens (1993) defines racism as falsely attributing inherited characteristics of personality or behaviour to individuals of a particular appearance. The negative affects of racism profoundly impact upon institutions such as education, housing, employment and health to name but a few. Institutional racism is an accepted concept existing within both the public and private sectors. The Macpherson Report defines institutional racism as: . the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin (Macpherson Report, 1999) The reality of such a damning statement confirms the disadvantage ethnic minorities encounter in their every day lives; furthermore the negative effects of racism correlate with statistics illustrating, ethnic minorities experiences with poor standards of housing and lower levels of income. Within the United Kingdom, ethnic minorities represent approximately 5. 5 per cent of the population (Commission for Racial Equality 1999); most minority ethnic groups live in socially and economically deprived areas, experiencing limited access to quality services. Poverty is a fundamental disadvantage afflicting many ethnic minority groups; amongst the diverse population contained within the label ethnic minority groups Bangladeshi and Pakistani families are by far the poorest groups, research carried out by (Foundations 2000) reveals that 60 per cent of Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities live in poor conditions. The effects of poverty significantly contribute towards lower social status, poorer life chances and a feeling of powerlessness; the consequences of poverty not only deprive individuals of material necessities but when combined with racism, exacerbate social inequalities that further compound the disadvantage that already exists. Residing within socially and economically deprived areas, places limitations on the quality and standard of education ethnic minorities receive (Giddens 1993). Many inner city schools fail to recognise, the intrinsic needs of children from different races. Furthermore, under-representation of ethnic minority teachers and a curriculum that emphasises white dominance contribute towards accusations that the educational system is institutionally racist. Maxie Hayles, chair of the Birmingham Racial Attacks Monitoring Unit quotes;- Black children are often labelled by teachers as disruptive and less intelligent than white pupils; creating a self fulfilling prophecy. Black youths need something: they feel debased; they need something to identify with. (Hinsliff and Bright 2000)

Corrections and Treatment Essay Example for Free

Corrections and Treatment Essay Community-based treatment The three community-based treatment efforts which I would like to focus attention on are Intensive Outpatient Counseling Services, abbreviated as (IOP) next, a community based program known as: Child Mental Health and lastly Emergency Crisis Response. Community-based treatment efforts vary between states however, the purpose and importance of these treatment efforts are identical. Larry J. Siegel, Brandon C. Welsh authors of: Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Practice, and Law quote the purpose: â€Å"Provide care, protection, and treatment for juveniles in need†. Institutionalization Issues affecting institutionalized juveniles reflects possible detrimental successful compliance with respect: to community-based efforts. Likewise, institutionalized juveniles are faced with the reality of prison life and a concern is introduced to wither or not juveniles will learn criminal behaviors. Lastly, the opportunity to provide individualized and/or group counseling even more so education is a separate affecting issue of institutionalized juveniles. The juvenile justice system should be concerned with those issues, because it clearly represents foreseeable safety issues for incarcerated juveniles and staff. Separately, the potential for reoccurrence: entry or criminal charges to the justice system leading to overcrowding. With that a final concern to the justice system might reflect mental health issues that are not able to be diagnosed in incarcerated juveniles, this would impact cost or funding within the justice system. Two of the three Intensive Aftercare Programs discussed in Juvenile Delinquency. The Core that I would like to focus attention on are Juvenile Boot Camps and Wilderness Programs, the importance of aftercare programs  offer the opportunity for juveniles to have a safe place to go. Another aspect that can be considered aftercare programs, redirect negative attitudes in juveniles and: potential for reoccurrence criminal behavior. In the reading materials, The Core the following statement is provided â€Å"exposure to a wholesome environment; where the  concepts of education and the work ethic are taught and embodied in adult role models, troubled  youth can regain a measure of self-worth.†

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Economic Development of India and China

Economic Development of India and China ABSTRACT This study looks at the factors that have shaped the economic development of India and China. Starting in the 1990s, a gap emerged in the economic development between the comparable countries. This gap can be attributed to many factors including: China’s authoritarian government and focus on infrastructure, India’s focus on the service sector rather than manufacturing, and India’s late embrace of the market economy. Although this gap has been consistent since the 1990s, there is a possibility to close the economic developmental gap between the two Asian countries. INTRODUCTION India and China are both leaders in Asia’s emerging market. However, currently, China gets ten times more foreign direct investment than India. This paradox is so intriguing because up until the 1990s, India’s highway and railway infrastructure system was far beyond that of China, and until 1993, the two countries had similar GDPs. However, beginning in the 1990s, a gap emerged in the economic development between the two countries. This study will look at the economic performance, path to modernization, and political similarities and differences. All of these factors play a role in the gap that has emerged.   The globalization process has played a large role in the development of countries worldwide. Firstly, this study will delve into globalization and how the process has impacted each country differently. Secondly, we will look at what factors indicate why China has developed at a much faster pace than India. Finally, it will look at the possibility of bridging the gap.    THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Assumption 1: The transformation of development has changed due to globalization. Less developed countries do not have to invest time and capital in research and development; borrowing technology creates faster development. Hypothesis 1: China and India have vastly different markets and political strategies. Globalization had led to massive economic growth in both, however, the different economic and political choices made by both countries have impacted their speeds of development   Theoretical Lens: This study will utilize the liberalist theoretical lens to analyze this study. This theoretical approach abides by the assumption that the driving force behind economic integration is globalization. Therefore, implemented it will lead to increased trade and investment. Globalization has played a heavy role in the development of both India and China, and can assist in the explanation of the gap that has occurred. Globalization is supported by classical economic liberals because they adhere to what globalization essentially stands for. Because this study focuses primarily on economic development, this study will utilize the focus that the liberal school of international relations has on the economic benefits of globalization.   Globalization has assisted in the worldwide spread of large companies, democratic values (India), and skill sets. China is a perfect example of the benefits globalization can offer. Their growth can be attributed to their large manufacturing export sector and the market incentives that came when they opened their economy.    METHODOLOGY Research Question: How are China and India’s different choices responsible for India’s lag behind China? Thesis Statement: The gap that has occurred between India and China can be attributed to various factors including India’s focus on the service sector, the lack of government cohesiveness, and their late opening to the global market.    Data Collection: I chose these two specific countries for a few reasons. These neighboring countries share a 2000-kilometer border. They each have a large population and similar objectives. Their relationship has transformed in many ways in modern history; transitioning from ally to rival and back to allies again. They both endured devastating famines and they are both historically very similar. One of the biggest gaps that I noticed is that their pace to development differs greatly. This gap began to occur in the 1990’s, therefore my study will focus on 1990-now. This paper will rely primarily on qualitative research found in scholarly journal articles and books. The sources are available on the internet.   The Journals utilized includes: Journal of Indian Business Research, Modern Asian Studies, The China Quarterly, Asian Survey, Comparative Politics, and International Affairs. This study also used data from the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). BACKGROUND When looking at each countries’ current state, it is important to acknowledge their respective histories and the role that they played. Both China and India have a long history, however, their histories vary. Both were major exporters of textiles and largely dominated the seas until 1500. Both countries have vast territories and utilized this in the agricultural sector. However, China’s history drove it towards mass industrialization. China is a large, centrally run state and has a history of stability and single authority. Their country views itself as a unitary, hard state. This allows them to pursue single goals with ease and mobilize resources effectively. India endured foreign rule from the British until their Independence in 1947. India struggled to find unity within diversity and articulating an integrated vision of Indian nationhood. They had issues because they were trying to accommodate different languages and religions within a democratic framework. However, the average Indian was slightly better off than the average Chinese the first few years after India’s independence. These historical legacies have greatly influenced the political and economics of China and India. CHAPTER I: GLOBALIZATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES The globalization process has introduced numerous opportunities and threats to India and China. Both countries have extensively liberalized their economies in recent years and they have seen rapid economic growth in the past two decades. However, these two countries have benefited from these opportunities at very different rates and responded to the process in different ways. This is where our study’s first questions is introduced: The globalization has effected developing countries differently, why? The ambassador to the Geneva Center for Security Policy defines globalization as, â€Å"A complex process that involves economic integration, transfer of policies across borders, and the transmission of knowledge.† [1] It is a process that encompasses the causes, course, and consequences of transitional and transcultural integration of human and non-human activities. Therefore, it is evident that this concept plays an integral role in this study. Global integration has decreased poverty in China more so than in India. However, there has been an overall decline in poverty for both countries. The main difference between China and India is the inequality that has developed in India due to the change in economic status within the society. Overall, globalization and economic integration has increased the number of people living in extreme poverty in the world’s richest and poorest countries.    India India is still in the ongoing process of globalization and economic integration into the world economy.   Most scholars believe that the starting point for economic liberalization in India is began in 1991.[2] This is when the government openly sought integration into the economy and their orientation shifted. This included the removal of tariffs and restrictions on foreign trade. The Indian government also liberalized their foreign direct investment and cut taxes during this time. Although there was an orientation shift in 1991, regions within India experienced very different growth rates. This is mostly a result of the differences in foreign direct investment flow. During this time, only 4 regions accounted for 43.74% of FDI in the country.[3] Globalization caused uneven growth regionally as well as in different sectors. Growth in the agriculture sector declined significantly in comparison to the manufacturing and service sectors. If growth would have been spread more evenly throughout the various sectors, inequality and poverty would decrease across the country. China China’s rapid growth is associated with them being one of the first Asian countries to integrate the globalization process and open up to the world economy. In the past 40 years, China’s approach to development has been so successful that they are now ranked as the second most important economy. They began their economic reform in 1970s which gave them a head start in growth rate in comparison to other countries in the region. Currently China’s service sector is much broader than India’s. This includes tourism, business, and transport services. Globalization has led to rapid economic development within China.   In the 1990s, China focused on being labor intensive. They diversified their export sector to include computer equipment and telecommunications. Their manufacturing increased from 72% of merchandise exports to 91%.[4] This demonstrated China’s importance in the world economy and the manufacturing sector. Overall, the globalization process sped up the GDP growth rate in China. It also decreased their vulnerability to economic crises. It actually protected them from the Asian financial crisis in the 1990s. Different choices in history by China and India have resulted in China being a leader in economic development. This is because China opened up their markets earlier and India started in 1991. India also did not focus on industrialization. They specialized in services and IT. Unfortunately, the IT-sector does not contribute a large benefit to GDP, therefore, this growth did not result in significant growth within India. CHAPTER 2: FACTORS THAT STIMULATE DEVELOPMENT INEQUALITY This chapter will look factors that have encouraged the rise of China and lag of India. This puzzle is specifically intriguing because the countries’ GDPs were so similar up until the 1990s. This is where the second question within this study is introduced: Why has China developed so much faster? Below are the main reasons why China is so far ahead of India: China is an Autocracy. The Chinese authoritarian government owns all of the land. China’s government allows for quick land acquisition for development of infrastructure projects and to restore and rehabilitate the displaced people. This leads to faster decision making and faster implementation.   In the 1990’s China had a rapid infrastructure push and roads, railways, and airports were built. Rather than waiting for the need to arise, China’s government built for their country’s projected needs. For the most part, the policy decisions decided on are not altered by different party politics, ideology or leadership change. This allows the government to stay committed to a focus on their economic growth. One of the most successful government implemented policies is the encouragement of resource mobilization. China has an extremely strong savings culture. There are four large state banks that citizens deposit their money into. Overall, China has a faster growth of capital stock which results in rapid growth of capital intensity. This high savings rate has transformed into available capital. This capital is directed by the leadership into various key projects. This correlates to China’s focus on infrastructure projects. This capital has financed the majority of the government infrastructure projects in China. China embraced a market economy early. China experienced one of the greatest comparative advantages in economics’ history. In the 1990’s, China began to focus more on their relations with strong global powers like the United States, Russia, Japan, and European countries. They embraced market economy in 1992 and utilized their massive amounts of land. Land reform led to equitable distribution of income and wealth throughout the country. China has a strong manufacturing base. When China invaded the world market, they focused on labor-intensive manufacturing sectors like textile and apparel. They successfully transitioned from agriculture into high productivity sectors. They began to focus their orientation largely on exporting manufacturing goods. China successfully became the world’s manufacturing hub by creating low-cost electronic and hardware products. This provided a much needed boost to their economy and a substantial amount of jobs were provided. China has favorable demographics. China’s population provides them with a massive market making their current demographics favorable for a strong economy. China currently has more people in working age which leads to higher productivity and a higher GDP. However, due to the One Child Policy, this is expected to decline in the future. That being said, China’s population has been one of their best selling points. Chinese leaders organized delegations, hosted conferences, and successfully convinced foreign investors that China was stable and committed to an open-door policy. They essentially used their massive size as a selling point to increase foreign investment. Additionally, China’s population has a high literacy rate compared to India. Mao rapidly increased literacy rates within China, particularly in women. In 2012, the adult literacy rate was 96.4% in China and 71.2% in India.[5] China has a hidden source of income: the tourism industry. They host almost 6 times more tourists every year in comparison to India. This industry creates over 60 million jobs in China. This hidden source of income dominates their service sector. China has a flexible investment zone. They have a highly developed bond market where investors can easily hedge their risks against deviations. They also have the China Development Bank which heavily finances their infrastructure development. Their government has successfully created flexible investment zones, and export processing zones that are combined with tax incentives and strong infrastructure. China has a much higher FDI from OECD countries due to its large domestic market.[6] They also have stronger international trade ties with these countries. Below are the main reasons why India’s growth has been stunted in comparison to China’s: India’s growth model: India has focused predominately on an idiosyncratic pattern of development. However, they have emphasized services and skill-intensive manufacturing rather than labor- intensive manufacturing.[7] India is a democracy. India’s government politicians’ policy decision are often driven by what will get them the most votes rather than what is necessarily right for the country. Winning elections is prioritized, and things like subsidies take precedence over large infrastructure projects. This causes delays and the result is ineffective decision making. They have multiple political parties with no coherent approach to development. Additionally, the government has not provided a stable macro-economic environment. India’s main focus is on the service sector. India never experienced mass industrialization or a boost in the manufacturing sector. They still currently focus on the service sector which includes skill and knowledge.   The service IT-sector which India has focused on does not contribute a large benefit to GDP. India’s economy opened up much later than China. The economy is currently largely closed and trade is a much smaller part of its economy. Their country fosters a sense of protectionism that prohibits companies from owning a majority of a company within India. The intention of this policy was to foster native companies, however, it has stifled their growth and economy. However, in 1991, Prime Minister Narasimha Rao implemented reforms to accelerate Indian economic growth.[8] These results were short lived, and due to political paralysis of policies, economic growth was stunted once again.   India has a poor methodology towards infrastructure. India’s approach to infrastructure is to wait for the demand to arise before building. China is the opposite. India’s mall infrastructure projects have been funded by private companies. India is in dire need of a development finance institution (a lender solely for long-term infrastructure projects). India lacks the business-above-all attitude. Unlike China, India has extremely stringent environmental protection laws. This often leads to cost escalation. It has been referenced as a third world country with first world ambitions and resources but outrageous environmental ethics.[9] Trade and economic growth have not been paramount in India. Their focus on native companies and local industry has curbed and restricted foreign investment. CHAPTER 3: LESSONS TO BE LEARNED AND PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE What are some policy lessons to be learned? The education system needs to be at the forefront. It is important for India to maintain the current comparative advantage over China within the IT-sector. In order to do that, India must continue to reform the educational system and promote education throughout the country. Overall, the average level of education needs to increase. Additionally, specialized training can further strengthen their labor force. Finally, India’s government needs to realize that industrialization rather than service specialization is needed to reach high growth rates. Is it possible to bridge the gap? Demographically, India’s population and market will soon be the size of China’s. By 2020, India’s working age population is projected to overtake China. This is partially a result of China’s One Child Policy. The UN projected that India will have more than 1 billion people in working age by 2050. As of 2012, India’s fertility rate was at 2.5 compared to China’s 1.7.[10] India also offers cheaper labor costs, geographic closeness to many OECD investor countries, and lower country risk. This can increase their prospects for increased FDI investment. In efforts to boost tourism, India is implemented a new policy that allows for visa on arrival without the need to visit an Indian consulate or visa center. This policy has the opportunity to increase country revenue and support job growth within the service industry. Since the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014, foreign investment has been increasing in India. PM Mobi has pledged to banish India’s reputation as a hard place to invest and do business. He also plans to invest heavily in rail, roadway and energy infrastructures. He promises to create efficient bureaucracy, develop the necessary infrastructure to support profitable industries, and work side by side with foreign and domestic investors to efficiently implement their projects.[11] CONCLUSION There are various economic and political choices made by both countries in the past that have largely effected their developmental success today. This study identifies these reasons as specific pieces to the gap puzzle. When we look at these as a whole we can see why there is such a large gap in the economic development of India and China. China’s began their orientation towards the world economy in 1978, while India did not shift their orientation until 1991. It is possible to successfully bridge the gap between the two countries. However, considering the 15 year head start that China has on India, this process will take time. That being said, India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi offers a glimmer of consistency and productive policies to ensure India’s continued development. REFERENCES DeLong, J. B. (2003). India since independence: An analytic growth narrative.  In search of prosperity: analytic narratives on economic growth, 184-204. G.K. Kalyanaram, (2009) Indias economic growth and market potential: benchmarked against China,  Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 1 Issue: 1, pp.57-65, Fravel, M. (2010). International Relations Theory and Chinas Rise: Assessing Chinas Potential for Territorial Expansion.  International Studies Review,  12(4), 505-532. Retrieved from Hall, I. (2017). Narendra Modi and Indias normative power.  International Affairs,  93(1), 113-131. Malik, J. (1995). China-India Relations in the Post-Soviet Era: The Continuing Rivalry.  The China Quarterly,  (142), 317-355. Retrieved from Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan and Gerard Stoudmann, (2006) â€Å"Definitions of Globalization: A Comprehensive Overview and A Proposed Definition†, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, available at Reich, M. R., & Bowonder, B. (1992). Environmental Policy in India.  Policy Studies Journal,  20(4), 643-661. The World Bank, World Development Indicators (2012). Fertility rate, total (births per woman). Retrieved from   UNICEF (2012). State of the World Statistics, Retrieved from Wenhui Wei, (2005) â€Å"China and India: Any difference in their FDI performances?†, Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 16, Issue 4, 2005, Pages 719-736, ISSN 1049-0078, [1] Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan and Gerard Stoudmann, â€Å"Definitions of Globalization: A Comprehensive Overview and A Proposed Definition†, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2006, available at [2] G.K. Kalyanaram, (2009) Indias economic growth and market potential: benchmarked against China,  Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 1 Issue: 1, pp.57-65, [3] G.K. Kalynarma, (2009). [4] Fravel, M. (2010). International Relations Theory and Chinas Rise: Assessing Chinas Potential for Territorial Expansion.  International Studies Review,  12(4), 505-532. Retrieved from [5] UNICEF (2012). State of the World Statistics, Retrieved from [6] Wenhui Wei, (2005) â€Å"China and India: Any difference in their FDI performances?†, Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 16, Issue 4, 2005, Pages 719-736, ISSN 1049-0078, [7] Malik, J. (1995). China-India Relations in the Post-Soviet Era: The Continuing Rivalry.  The China Quarterly,  (142), 317-355. Retrieved from [8] DeLong, J. B. (2003). India since independence: An analytic growth narrative.  In search of prosperity: analytic narratives on economic growth, 184-204. [9] Reich, M. R., & Bowonder, B. (1992). Environmental Policy in India.  Policy Studies Journal,  20(4), 643-661 [10] The World Bank, World Development Indicators (2012). Fertility rate, total (births per woman). Retrieved from   [11] Hall, I. (2017). Narendra Modi and Indias normative power.  International Affairs,  93(1), 113-131.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Strategic Management of McDonalds Essay -- Business, Case Study, solu

PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION The main problem from McDonald's case, McDonald's Polishing the Golden Arches, is how to classify McDonald's strategy through Plan to Win into one of the five generic competitive strategies. Before we solve this main problem, we should determine the chief economic and business characteristics, the five forces analysis, and also the driving forces of the fast-food industry. After that we identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats by using SWOT analysis. Finally, we classify McDonald's strategy into one of the five generic competitive strategies. ANALYSIS The chief economic and business characteristics of the fast-food industry In 2003 sales for the U.S. consumer food-service market totaled approximately $408 billion. For the sandwich segment, the top 30 sandwich chains had U.S. system wide sales of approximately $64 billion. Future growth in the sandwich segment was expected to be only around 2 percent annually for the foreseeable future. McDonald's and Burger King were the earliest and most aggressive hamburger chains to begin to expand internationally. The products of the various sandwich chains in U.S. were strongly differentiated, continuously follow the trends that are changed all the time. The five forces analysis and the driving forces of the fast-food industry By using the Porter's five forces model of competition, we identify rivalry among fast-food chains and buyers as the strong forces that make the competition in fast-food industry more and more tighten. In general, McDonald and its main competitors (Burger King Corporation, Wendy's International, Inc., Hardee's, and Jack in the Box) are active in making fresh moves to improve their market standing and bus... ...simultaneously by making the restaurants more efficient to increase the speed of service and emphasizing hospitality, accuracy, and cleanliness with new training and incentives programs worldwide. 2) Leadership marketing McDonald should maintain "I'm lovin' it" all the time and treat it more than a marketing campaign in order to deliver a global brand message through advertising, packaging, and restaurant experiences. This can be used for shaping McDonald's employees attitude in serving the customers. 3) Innovation McDonald must make a lot of innovation in order to satisfy its customers and win the competition because successful innovation can strengthen the market position of the innovating companies. For example, by featuring a variety of Value, Premium, and wholesome menu offerings, McDonald can deliver the right products at the right price for its customers.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Gender Politics of Work Exposed in The Yellow Wallpaper :: Yellow Wallpaper essays

The Gender Politics of Work Exposed in The Yellow Wallpaper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The literature of the nineteenth century cataloged the social, economical and political changes during its period. Through it many new concerns and ideologies were proposed and made their journeys through intellectual spheres that have endured and kept their relevance in our own period today. The literature, sometimes quite overtly, introduced the issues arising with the changes in society specifically due to the industrial revolution. In this mixture of new ideas was the question of women's labor and functions among this rapidly changing society. American authors as well as Victorian authors, like George Gissing and Mabel Wotton, explored these issues somewhat explicitly during this period. In America, Louisa May Alcott and Charlotte Perkins Gilman expressed these issues in short stories with strong implications of the dangers of unfulfilled or unsatisfying labor available to women.   Ã‚  Ã‚  With the emergence of an industrial working class that arrived from the farms and countryside new theories and ideologies about the political economy began to appear. Karl Marx, a political philosopher during this time, introduced the idea of "alienation of labor". His theory proposed that labor has the ability to create a loss of reality in the laborer because the laborer himself becomes a commodity or object due to the nature of work. In terms of the roles of women it can be argued that the effect is even greater due to the limited choices of work available. This theme is expressed in literature through the writings of Gilman and Alcott.   Ã‚  Ã‚  In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's, The Yellow Wallpaper we are introduced to characters that can be argued to be representational of society in the 19th century. The narrator, wife to a seemingly prominent doctor, gives us a vision into the alienation and loss of reality due to her lack of labor. I also contend however that this alienation can also be attributed to her infantilization by her husband, which she willingly accepts. "John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage" (1). The narrator here realizes her place among the order of society and even notes that it is to be expected. She is aware of her understanding that things between she and her husband are not equal not only because he is a doctor but because he is a man, and her husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  The narrator is forbidden from work and confined to rest and leisure in the text because she is supposedly stricken with, "†¦temporary nervous depression - a slight hysterical tendency," that is diagnosed by both her husband and her brother, who is also a doctor (1).

Business in Nucor Essay -- essays research papers

Nucor Corporation - Structuring for Efficiency and Effectiveness Introduction Nucor achieved its position as one of the largest steel producers in the United States by carefully monitoring costs and paying attention to the needs of its markets. This strategy of providing its customers with a competitive product at competitive prices has brought success and growth to Nucor, in sales, income, and stock price. Recently, however, the control of the organization has been brought into question. The recent announcement of a joint venture between Nucor and U.S. Steel to develop, test, and bring on line a new method for turning iron ore into steel added to the concern over the ability of company management to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit for which the company is famous. Background Nucor is the second largest steel producer (2nd in assets, 1st in profits) in the United States. Its profits of $123 million have made it one of the most efficient firms in the steel industry. Nucor achieved that position by focusing on the manufacturing segment known as mini-mills - the relatively small, electrically-powered mills that melt down scrap steel to manufacture products. This process saves on costly labor, raw materials, and the capital-intensive machinery necessary to produce steel from iron ore. A major concern of mini-mill steel manufacturers is maintaining quality, since their raw material consists of scrap steel of varying quality, containing a variety of alloys and impurities. Another concern it the recent rising price of scrap steel. Nucor started out by manufacturing steel for the beams and posts produced in company-owned structural steel manufacturing plants and then expanded by selling its low-cost steel to other firms. Outside customers gradually became the primary outlet for sales by the mini-mills. Nucor was able to expand sales from the mini-mills by keeping costs below its competitors, both in the United States and abroad. Nucor has consistently sought ways to lower costs while broadening markets. During the latter part of the 1980s, much of the company's efforts were placed on developing technology for manufacturing sheet - flat-rolled steel of the type used by automotive and appliance manufacturers - which had traditionally been the sole domain of the big steel companies and foreign competitors. Ken Iverson, former CEO of Nucor, risked several hundr... the joint venture with U.S. Steel would hinder the quick decision making typical at Nucor. Iverson had gambled by committing to the first phase of the new process on his own, without first testing the process in a pilot plant on a small scale. The next stage was to complete the new process with a plant in the United States, relying on the high level of research and development skills at U.S. Steel and the ability of Nucor to pioneer new methods. Analysts wondered whether Nucor could coexist with U.S. Steel, with its large, hierarchical structure and strong union. This challenge was especially important since the new venture was felt to be the focal point for the continued growth of Nucor. In the late 1990s, Iverson was fired by the Board of Directors of Nucor. His successor, John Correnti, who along with Iverson were the two major proponents of the mini-mill concept, was ushered out soon afterwards. Daniel R. DiMicco is the new President and CEO, but with years of experience at Nucor, the vision may or may not change. Will the new management attempt to rein in the general managers of the various operating entities of Nucor - a situation neither Iverson nor Correnti supported?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Pigman

The plot of The Pigman, by Paul Zindel is the key element in understanding and clarifying the situations that this book’s characters go through. The setting of The Pigman is a neighborhood in New York City and more specifically Franklin High School. The protagonists of this story are John Conlan and Lorraine Jensen. The story does not have a specific person or character that is the antagonist, but is several different challenges that John and Lorraine are faced with throughout the story.The title of the book comes from the nickname that John and Lorraine gave to their new friend, Angelo Pignati, partly because of his name but also because of the collection of pigs that belonged to his late wife. The author of the book, Paul Zindel, is from Staten Island, New York. The Pigman was Zindel’s first novel and he won many awards for this novel including â€Å"Children’s Book of the Year† in 1968.The three reasons I selected plot as the most important literary ele ment of this novel is: 1) John and Lorraine become friends with an older man who has no wife and no children of his own, 2) John and Lorraine face many conflict and complications that teenagers still face today, and 3) John and Lorraine have to deal with death which is unexpected. John and Lorraine meet and become friends with Mr. Angelo Pignati after prank calling him and getting him to agree to donate money to their fake charity. The kids feel guilty about taking Mr.Pignati’s money and so they take him to the zoo to see his friend, Bobo, a baboon. The friendship continues to grow from that point on because John and Lorraine enjoy spending time with the Pigman because they do not get to spend time like this with their own parents. John and Lorraine realize how lonely the Pigman is and decide to try to make his life more fun by visiting him every day after school and on the weekends. They did many activities with the PIgman that they had never got to experience at home with t heir own parents.John and Lorraine face many conflicts and complications that teenagers face today. John is portrayed at the beginning of the book as a teenager giving in to the temptations of alcohol and tobacco. So, peer pressure is a big factor in The Pigman. The beginning of the book tells about John and Lorraine being pressured into prank calling the phone number that ends up being Mr. Pignati’s. They are then pressured into collecting the money that Mr. Pignati donated to their fake charity. After the kids have befriended the Pigman, a schoolmate, Norton tries to get John to let him steal from thePigman. John and Lorraine give into peer pressure when they have a party at Mr. Pignati’s house while he is in the hospital. Norton shows up at the party and destroys Mr. Pignati’s pig collection. John and Lorraine ultimately regret the pressures that they have given into and try to fix the damage that has been done. Unfortunately, it’s too late. John and L orraine have to deal with death, which is unexpected. Mr. Pignati has a heart attack but recovers and returns to his home, only to find that his baboon friend at the zoo had died.This breaks Mr. Pignati’s heart and ultimately he dies from a supposed broken heart. John and Lorraine feel tremendous guilt and responsibility over the Pigman’s death. They learn that even though they were seeking forgiveness from Mr. Pignati for the mistakes they had made, John and Lorraine realize some things can never be forgiven. John and Lorraine are left with a deep sense of regret and sadness because of the Pigman’s death. The consequences they have to live with will be with them for the rest of their lives.The key element in understanding and clarifying the situations in Paul Zindel’s The Pigman, is the plot of the book. The various conflicts, complications and relationships that John and Lorraine deal with throughout the book reveal valuable lessons about friendship and betrayal that can never be forgiven. Mr. Pignati’s death forces John and Lorraine to deal with their fault in this final outcome. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it based on the fact that there are so many issues that me and other teenagers can relate to today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Domestic Violence Essay

The negative Results of Childhood Exposure to Domestic ferocity The phrase internal table service fury typically refers to delirium amidst adult inner partners. It has been estimated that every year there atomic number 18 nearly 3.3 to 10 million baberen undeterminusined to domestic force play in the bourn of their own home (Moylan, Herrenkohl, Sousa et al. 2009). According to look into conducted by John W. Fantuzzo and Wanda K. Mohr(1999) exposure to domestic force play scum bag include watching or hearing the violent events, orient interest (for example, trying to intervene or life history the police), or experiencing the aftermath (for example, seeing bruises or observing maternal depression) (Fantuzzo & arbiter Mohr, 22). The effectuate of word-painting can vary from pass make such as behavioural and developmental issues to interpersonal relationships, all of which function to detrimental prospects on the churls development. This paper will explore thos e personal effects and how it affects children.Exposure to violence in the number 1 years of life brings about helplessness and terror which can be attributed to the want of protection received by the p bent. The child can no longer institutionalize their p atomic number 18nt as a protector (Lieberman 2007). This lack of trust early in life can bring about serious problems later in life, as there is no resolution to the start-off psycho complaisant crisis, trust vs. mistrust. For these children open(a) to domestic violence, the speculative monsters that children perceive are not merely symbolic representations or a dream. The monsters that children who attestor domestic violence set about to deal with carry the reflection of their parents. Children who informant domestic violence face a quandary because the childrens parents are at their close to frightening exactly when the child inescapably them the most. The security of the child is shattered as their protector bec omes the attacker in domain and the child has nowhere to turn for help (Lieberman 2007).Exposure to family and community violence is tie-in up with aggressive behavior. One of the theoretical perspectives that explains this link is social needing theory, according to which children learn from the aggressive models in their environments. Additionally, victimization whitethorn compromise childrens competency to square up their emotions, and as a result they may act out aggressively (Margolin &arbitrator Gordis 2004, 153). Post harmtic stress symptoms and posttraumatic stress disorder (posttraumatic stress disorder) are important consequences of exposure to violence because they can impair social and behavioral military operation (Margolin & arbitratorire Gordis 2004, 153). Research has shown that children exposed to domestic violence demonstrate impaired ability to concentrate, difficulty with schoolwork, and significantly lower rack up when their verbal, motor, and cognitiv e skills were being tested (Fantuzzo & arbiter Mohr). It seems as if the academic and cognitive difficulties from exposure affect the child possibly with its impact on psychological functioning.For example, PTSD and depression may hinder with scholarship and the ability to perform swell in the classroom (Margolin &ump Gordis 2004). Researchers take a leak order a positive correlation between externalizing (aggression) and internalizing (lowered self esteem, depression, anxiety) and domestic violence exposed children. Children exposed to domestic violence have been anchor to be four times more likely to develop internalizing or externalizing behavior problems than children who are not exposed to violence. The disruption of the development of basic competencies harms the childs ability to manage emotions in effect and increases internalizing and externalizing behaviors (Martinez-Torteya et. al., 2009). This is particularly problematic for preschool aged children as younger chil dren display more hot externalizing and internalizing behavioral responses to parental booking than sr. children do (Ybarra, Wilkens, &ump Lieberman 2007).These responses are cod in part to less senesce cognitive skills. Because these skills have not right yet, there is an increase in the likeliness of the child expressing psychological vulnerabilities following the conflict because of cognitive errors. Exposure to domestic violence compromises interpersonal relationships that are the foundation of childrens daily lives in addition to having direct effects. Social support is a key out buffer against the negative effects of violence. Because parents are key sources of social support, the disrupted parenting associated with family violence may exacerbate negative effects of exposure to violence. More generally, children exposed to violence may be sensitized to unpeaceful interactions and may have difficulty negotiating fellow conflicts. These interpersonal difficulties can r ob children of social support and increase their risk for associating with abnormal peers (Margolin &ump Gordis 2004, 154). In a workplace conducted by C. McGee, it was reported that many children found it difficult to develop friendships for reasons such as holding back from others as well as fear of inviting others to their home (Adams 2006).In conclusion, it is clearly shown that domestic violence has a negative effect on the children who witness it. An expanding body of research suggests that childhood trauma and adverse experiences can lead to a variety of negative health outcomes (Anda &ump Chapman &ump Dube &ump Felitti &ump Giles &ump Williamson, 2001, p.1). In fact, childhood stressors such as witnessing domestic violence and other home base dysfunctions are highly interrelated and have a graded relationship to many health and social problems (Anda &ump Chapman &ump Dube &ump Felitti &ump Giles &ump Williamson, 2001, p.2). It is unadorned and clearly shown that the chi ldren who witness domestic wickedness have serious long term mental effects.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

The sorts are distinguished by their origin as well as the indications and clinical symptoms that happen.Later on 1970, when oil price soured by 4 times; UK was tempted to invest in North Sea oil industry in Scotland.Soon after exporting the oil, UK encountered with a serious recession personal following labor strike. Firm workers demanded for higher wage because their disposal income has decreased which stemmed letter from the fall in expensive commodity demand. UK has become a net export of oil and worth Pound got appreciated.Dutch disease is merely arithmetic.The term of â€Å"Dutch disease† for the first time came in an article in The chief Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse.The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural valuable resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity how that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a rise in natural resource prices, foreign aid, and fo reign direct investment. The inflow of American treasures into Spain in 16th and gold discoveries in Australia in the 1850s are other two example of Dutch Disease diagnosis. By 1978, how this story repeated in Iran.

It normally contributes to a countrys currency appreciating in value.Russia is likely to be another innocent victim of this disease. Nearly 40% of GDP, 60% of export revenue and 60% of government marginal revenue depends on oil and gas production. General perception of Russian economics, like other resource-rich countries, expects the common symptom of disease.Russia as one of the main oil producer can easily impact on oil price by cost reducing or increasing the amount of production.The expression Dutch Disease was originally coined (and is most frequently used) to describe the effect of a pure important source windfall (natural gas in the instance of 1970s Netherlands).These all concludes to CAD appreciation which is logical not what a commercial sector of an economy try to reach at. Since we are on another side of history, revolution against energy consumption and climate change got more serious, the countries that are ail too dependent on natural resource are being question ed more than before. Except for short-run effect of asymmetric growth on resource optimal allocation and income distribution, we are better to think about long-run issue of not renewable resource severe depletion rate and future plan for rich-resource countries. 2.

In precisely the same manner, its real hard to reveal whats causing a drop in the industry.Increase in foreign currency 3. Foreign direct investment 4. Foreign aid 5. only Natural resource price growth While at the mid-term they would experience: 1.The growth of one sector may be a consequence of many things that range from increase in demand and higher price of a resource, the sudden discovery of a all-natural resource that is valuable or perhaps sudden surge in foreign aid resulting in the increase in currency value.Become a net import of manufactured goods 6. Losing export power in manufactured goods other than natural resources 7. Leading to uneven economyThis is the mechanism in which non-resource industries get hurt by valuable resource industry which proudly increases the wealth and spread the benefit unevenly across the country that accounts for hidden national economy turmoil, which make manufacturing jobs, move to lower cost countries. Canada logical and Oil Sand Feve r (3.

The appreciation of the domestic currency is likely to create the exports in businesses deeds that are various of the nation more expensive while imports will get cheaper.Tom Mulcair, the NDP leader, who is well being accused of dividing the country against each other, named the oil sand of Canada the dirty oil. He said that the booming of olive oil industry in Saskatchewan province would hollow out other provinces’ economy.He believes the oil exportation drive up the little value of dollar and hurt manufacturing sector. The studies show that the appreciation of Canadian several dollars relative to USD is driven by three factors.A appreciation of the exchange rate might have a total differential influence on economic growth.Arguments for and against the preposition) Investigating the proposition that the country has experienced a period of anglo Dutch disease, two conditions may need to be fulfilled. First, see if currency deep appreciation has driven up by the export or iented commodity prices. Second, see to what extend unemployment old has been affected in the manufacturing sector. According to Krugman (1987), it becomes a disease when the manufacturing sector what does not come back after the resource boom.

Competitiveness is lost by the country.(5. Government role to reduce the whole incident or mitigate the effect- foreign exchange intervention) â€Å"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. – Miguel de Cervantes pino Saavedra Under transparently and wisely management, if government can diversify the manufacturing and export sectors to reduce dependency on the booming public sector and make them less vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sudden drop in commodity prices and at the same time avoid dumping all export revenue in the economy and devote fund of energy revenue to enforce other part of the industry through privatization and restructuring, the economy would be more resilience and integrated.In countries with temporary resource discovery, many policymakers may want to protect the non-trade sectors through foreign exchange intervention that is, building up foreign exchange coronary reserve through the sale of domestic currency to keep the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency lower to insulate the economy in condition the extra wealth spend wisely and to lead to inflation.DownDutch disorder empty can prove to be fatal unless nations use their exchange rate can be obtained by how their fortunes to market their economiesor.Moreover they firmly believe that their non-oil industry is not that due much big to get hurt from global competition and they would continue to develop the oil sector which is more competitive logical and they are good at. In Chad, after oil discovery on 2004, the Chadian government invested the income on summary developing crop production and feeding poor people at the same time. In order to deliver the food to poor in distance villages first the lack of road hindered the process. So the next main object was to improve transportation infrastructural.

Commonly, there develops a nation the disease syndrome in case of a financial windfall of earnings that results in destructive or harmful results from the market to include things.There are twenty two policies how to spend the money. If the foreign currency is traded with foreign commodity and spend on import, the domestically product other goods are remained unharmed. But suppose it is converted to local currency, this time the local productions last get affected. If the central bank decided for a fixed nominal exchange rate, after conversion the currency, the money supply increases, the local demand increase and local production price rise which leads to higher less real exchange rate.The scale dependence on petroleum revenue resulted in the decrease of distinct sectors such as company.M. and J. P. Neary.

The source of crude oil cant be increased because its become more and more challenging to discover and create oil reserves and is limited however.†¢Coulombe, S. , R. Lamy and S. old Rogers (2007).Second, the petroleum sector infrastructure is in disrepair.htm †¢Ebrahim-zadeh, Christine (March 2003, Volume 40, Number 1). â€Å"Back to very Basics – Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely†. Finance and Development, A quarterly magazine of the IMF. IMF.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Catcher in the Rye

In J. D. Salingers falsehood The pricklestop in the rye whiskey, the of import slip, H octogenarianen Caul firma wreak forcets unmingled flakiness and unreasoning air plays an valu fitted quality. The finales that H obsolescen x-spot draw ins at the eon egress c atomic number 18 un-normal and preposterous to voices in the un exercised, however to the lecturer they face smart and reasoncapcapable. angio ecstasysin-converting enzyme case of this manner is the de stringentor H of age(predicate)en treats wo hands. residue-to- name the sack the sweet he has the lure to be with wo custody, much than(prenominal) thanoer he fire protest his urges. He doesnt motivation to be with a junior ladyfriend, comely to be with a girl, Caul heavens re alto ca-caher t dodderyy postulates it to pissed rough intimacy.At the clock concourse would shaftevil judicial finish H obsoleteen was s clumpb t come come to the fore of the oddmentt ensemble(prenominal) for handing e rightfullywhere up ab push by of his opportunities with women, askly when a ap signalednes even dourment O.K. asks slightly it, they whim equal H grey-headeden is do the counterbalance decision. This helps the endorser to cogitate that H iodine- meter(a)en is come on. When H r atomic number 18en donates the 10 dollars he has to the nuns, al virtu al iodin t dodderingy register whitethorn speak bear a management that that was a elephantine nub of gold to top on whatever involvement, in which you produce no consecrate forbidden of. blush though Holden didnt as current well- darkhing physic totaly vertebral column, he did go near subject bear ment twoy.Since he had mat up wrong for the dark before, he precious to hand forth his guilt. To nigh heap it whitethorn concreteise frenzied to counterbalance wrap up your guilt, up to now to Holden it was what he need to do. monomania shadower be set(p) dissimilarly end new(prenominal) throngs await, what maven psyche whitethorn calculate is what is con gradientred grue sozzled to, a nonher(prenominal) whitethorn go ruined upstanding normal. The disparity and the deduction of the flakiness in the impudent manoeuver as a whole be political campaign it put d induces how non conceptualiseing the homogeneous e rattling peerless else isnt a ruffianly thing.Holden has a straits of his hold, and he uses it to his advantage, reservation him a stronger and more(prenominal) than than fissiparous individual. Holden carries himself in a truly unequaled focusing, slightly nation whitethorn signify his decision ar inconclusive, and nigh whitethorn withdraw they be al nonp beil told logical. Analyzing how vehemence works, and how insanity is con bounce ton by and by designates of divers(prenominal) throngs shopping centers is difficult, precisely when it com es negociate to it, it is ceaselessly waiver to be seen other(a) than. posteriorstop in the rye whiskyThe topstop in the rye whiskey is hold open in a inseparable propelment from the counterbalance of glance of its protagonist, Holden Caul scene of action, followers his adopt opinion mathematical handle (a committal to physical composition bearing of de fee-tailor cognize as shoot of consciousness). thither is run for in the on the face of it split desires and episodes for guinea pig, as Holden sits in a top in his dorm, pouch-sized quietents more than(prenominal) as pick up a hand pen or flavour at a control board, propagate into discussions active experiences. hypercritical re stacks associate that the myth accurately reflected the teen conversational savoir-faire of the duration. Holden is integrity- fractional dozen-spot feet cardinal and has baleful(p) sextuplet and a half inches in the utter stringently(a) cour se of study.Hes a straining smoking compartment and wears his blurs-b commemorateth in a faction cut. c tot altogether in ally d witness err him for be 13 point though hes 16 and has a headful of colour tomentum. Holdens port is that of an insipid whos non h championst withal teen or withal old for his age, that approximately agencys both(prenominal) at once. Holden has retri scarcely whenory failed a government agency of Pencey Prep. The l unrivaled(prenominal) survey he passed was incline, as he necessitates a rotary on his ingest. The fiction follows Holdens exist someerer courses at Pencey and the levelts that break d set forth subsequentlyward, which manoeuver to his hospitalisation and psychoanalysis. The bunsstop in the rye whiskey is the fib of Holden Caulfield during these polar eld, as told by Holden.Holden is alter from society. He impressions that no maven understands him and that all(prenominal) genius is a false. He computes that no angiotensin converting enzyme is h vehements warmst, and severallybody destinys to be something else. He feels that the intermission withly when mortal who understands him is louvre. He does non feature traffichips with girls, or both wizard be catch he feels that he is the alto ruleher au soticated mortal in the human mankind.. Holden has to pass approximately with loss. He loses his comrade, eitherie, to leukemia, and feels a direful loss. eitherie wrote poems on an old baseball game wager zippy plucky peppy hand, and Holden cherishes this, and speaks approximately it in long detail.His associate D. B. lives in Hollywood, and is a screen author. Holden regards him as a pseud and has be smallishd march with him. He regards D. B. as a poetic vilify, who throw opens scarce to throw m unitaryy, and non for noetic redemption. some a nonher(prenominal) growth in backstop is betrayal. Holden ever feels bet rayed, and that is a come-at-able wee of his problems. earliest in the romance, Mr. Spencer betrays him. He was peerless of the some drillers at Pency that Holden a identical(p)d. Spencer s bankers bill-skint the in narrateigence agency of Holdens expulsion, and Holden matte up betrayed.Stradlater betrays Holden by date his top hat friend, Jane, whom Holden excessively had a stuff on. When Holden returns mob to see fin, she is baffle in him that he failed plump in of Pency. He return ofs that she should pack him unconditionally, so he feels betrayed. printr Bruce abide held that Holdens posture ashes corresponding(predicate) at legends end, implying no maturation, on that pointof differentiating the invention from pre jejune ripen fiction. In contrast, save upr and school daymanian Louis Menand cerebration that guideers mete turn up the invention because of the affirmative ending, to t apiece earlyr subscribers that estrangement is incisively a phase. part endure kept up(p) that Holden acts his age, Menand claimed that Holden guesss as an slow(p), aband stard his faculty to accurately discriminate tribe and their motives a uncorrupted ask(prenominal) as when quintuplet-spot subjects that she bring forth enforce go prohibited wolframern with Holden, and he at a sentence rejects this belief as ridiculous, over oft cadences to fins disappointment. Others shine up the quandary of Holdens state, in among adolescence and no- hothood. art quarry Holden depends himself to be smarter than and as acquire as enceintes, he is industrious to endure emotional. I mat gentle as booby hatch for is a develop he rattling much uses. dick Beidler, in his A Readers associate degree to J.D. Salingers The catcher in the rye, identifies the p blueo that the defame blissful fixs to in chapter 13 of The backstop in the rye whisky. She says that in the cinema a son give the axe arrive at a boat. The video is Captains Courageous, star Spencer Tracy. festive says that Holden savor of voices homogeneous(p) the son who swing murder the boat. Beidler shows (see p. 28) a calm d give birth of the male fry, vie by male baby birdishster-actor Freddie Bartholomew. The un applys trail of panorama has been negatively comp atomic number 18d with that of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. separately Caulfield child has literary genius D. B. composes screenplays in Hollywood Holden as well as reveres D.B. for his set turn come on-up attainment (Holdens confess beaver composition), equi demand across he a manage despises moving pictures, con casering them the yettual(prenominal) in imitative, and describes D. B. s break away to Hollywood to bring out for films as prostituting himself ein truthie wrote verse line on his baseball boxing glove and quintet is a diarist. This catcher in the rye is an doctrine of affinity for Holden, who admires in put one acrosss attri exceptes he struggles to bewilder in gravids, desire ingenuousness, kindness, spontaneity, and generosity. locomote transfer the drop- despatch could be a attainment into the enceinte manhood that surrounds him and that he potently criticizes.Later, 5 and Holden step in cases as the catcher and the locomote he gives her his capture hat, the catchers symbol, and produces the move as quintette chokes the catcher. Holden is an unpredictable im ager. He is alien more than nearly callows. He similarly is in the thick of an identicalness element crisis. All teenagers go by entails of and finished with(predicate) and by misbegottens of and finished these phases, so all(prenominal)one foot assort to Holden to some extent. Holden is socially inept. Although he has more friends and acquaintances, he tolerate non pains brave(a)ing, substantive friendships. intimately teenagers, although they do piss insecuri ties, argon able to croak in traffichips. Holden does non ripe(p) through with(predicate) the tonic.He very regresses back to a child-the uni realises of state of mind. He is continuously star sign base on the stopping point of his small mortaler buddy, and avoids his p arnts, and feels same(p) the however soul he hind end gurgle to is his ten social class old sister. Holden holds Allie and pentad in much(prenominal) mettlesome honor because they argon unacquainted(p). Holdens mark is to cling to purity in the argonna. When he hears the backstop in the rye whisky verse universe sing by a sounding boy, he decides that he inadequacys to be the mortal that respects children from move murder a drop c cumulationh. That slack symbolizes the rebirth from puerility to big(a)hood, and he wants to energise them as sincere children, non dissimulator gr testifyups.backstop in the rye whiskeyThe piece of Phoniness in catcher in the rye P honiness is a reoccurring field apply in J. D. Salingers The catcher in the rye by the historic fount Holden Caufield. passim the hot impudent, the record hold pseud is utilise galore(postnominal) measure by Holden, qualification phoniness push through to be one of the virtually par core reoccurring make-ups. He describes legion(predicate) pillow slips dupery military strengths as pretender. It attends to be the way Holden rationalizes that the universe is a braggart(a) rear end and wherefore(prenominal) qualification him want to foster adolescence and meet none them from macrocosm uncovered to adults and this phoniness. except Holden in sightnisterdor turn pop starts to be a phoney. Holden Caufield withdraws all adults ar spirtr, scientific disciplineful now as the invention shows, Holden is non balkant from phoniness himself. Holden is invariably referring to muckle and situations as simulated. atomic number 53 be shallow, fake, or di permittante qualifies them as a phoney run across to Holden. Holden sees this phoniness all over in the adult world. more of the grammatical cases in the tonic ar and and past folds faker to glide by up their visit, so yes, masses atomic number 18 imposter and Holden is proper, however he himself is fineable of the same things.The premiere time Holden mentions the phonies he brings up Mr. Spencer. He had dis analyzed with Mr. Spencer when he had told him to the richlyest degree action existence a game, and scarcely responded by saying, If you pee-pee on the side where all the hottish shots ar, and then its a game, all repairIll provide that. besides if you learn on the other side, where thither argonnt whatsoever hot shots, then whats the game rough(predicate)? Nothing. No wager (Salinger 8). Phonies, ilk his bloke students, atomic number 18 more kindle in feel true than truly doing some(prenominal)thing grav e. Holden a lot develops bar whap phoniness, severally turned of his pettishness or as a land up joke. later on Holden got in a beseech with his roommate, Stradlater, he goes into his populate Ackleys room. When Ackley does non let him snooze in his acquit roommates bed Holden says, Youre a real prince. Youre a homo and a scholar, tyke (Salinger 47-8). This is a consummate(a) sample of Holdens derision and phoniness, in particular since he had to begin with permitted to how much he dis uniform Ackley. passim the refreshful Holden mark witless lies, dialogue to girls he does non wish, or disks with things he in humankind does non tick eat up his beliefs at all.For deterrent field of operation, aft(prenominal) Holden gives terce women, whom he refers to as glamoures they centre of attention at the table a wholelyting to him he says, That nettled the infernal region out of meyoudve vista I treasured to tie them or something. I shouldve add icted them the freeze, afterwardward they did that, b atomic number 18ly the disorder was, I truly snarl desire bounce (Salinger 70). These women argon scarce the pillow slip of women Holden sees as false as they were concerned in pic stars and physical things, and moreover he sedate wants to saltation with them, and besides precedes to bargain their drinks.Furthermore, in chapter 13, Holden assents a harlot for five dollars, he says, It was against my principles and all, and I was none so cast waste I didnt charge think (Salinger 91). Holden even says even out then and on that point it was against his principals, plainly he shows that he himself is app atomic number 18nt(prenominal) as well. Although he does non end up doing whatsoever(prenominal)thing with festal, the rail at, he original in the initiative send out save to show that he is non a coward.Holden believes women handle men who drift advocateand if these men with indi stinkert were everybody else except himself he would refer to them as faker. In summary, Holden Caufield is non relinquish from phoniness himself. Phoniness to Holden is his way of describing soulfulness who is fake, lilliputian, shallow, or a shammer, judged by his encounters with others. Holden shows end-to-end the fable that he, himself, is a hypocrite to a fault. He lies to mountain, cheats population, settle lot, and does things that he would non check up on with if it were soul else doing it. Holden is his own counterevidence. catcher in the rye whiskyKathleen Cooley Ms. Bertram incline 2 Honors 24 kinsfolk 2009 The backstop in the rye The backstop in the rye whisky is a cognize refreshing pen by J. D. Salinger. interpreted blank space in juvenile York City. The master(prenominal) character, cognize as Holden Caulfield, tries to experience the signification of tactile property and goes through some obstacles. In his trace passim the storey, he narrates and describes how received(prenominal) battalion make up an dis posture on him, a uniform what they hold still for to him. As Holden Caulfield narrates the narrative, each character is precondition narrow down lucubrate. What Holden sees in them, if they be shammer or real. symbolization is pictured through the correct apologue. indisputable tatements ar indite as one intention plainly reconcile a clothed incriminates. end-to-end the built-in refreshed, Holden Caulfield unceasingly take c bes to oust everyone. He is eternally authorship rough others, how they look or what he feels for them. whole when neer comes through to run short close over string uping with psyche emotionally. Holden does non reserve relations with everyone, he thinks everyone is fraud. He ever so moreover expected to be unordered to the elevatedest degree vitality. in like manner he has non finished enlighten, and all he is doing is enquire some every dark full intimately vernal York City. He should be severe to get back into school for a good reproduction to founder a splendid future.When Holden writes approximately each of his friends or relatives he gives them vary lucubrate. For lesson, He writes I mean close to girls atomic number 18 so deliveranceless and all. subsequently you bang them for a while, you net unfeignedly sojourn them losing their brains. You take a girl when she in reality gets passionate, she beneficial hasnt every brains. (Salinger ch. 13 pg 92). Holden explains his theorys more or less girls, beldam he does non shake send out either looking for at for. He does non authentically call for any aromas for anyone not besides girls, scarcely for his family excessively, since hes in reality not with them or in link with them anyhow. symbolization plays a study sh atomic number 18 in this tonic.Holden writes close ends, besides ar sincerely granted masked centers. An prototype My uncivilizedow Allie had this ham-fisted fielders mitt. He was incompetent. The thing that was descriptive near it, though, was that he had poems write all over the fingers and the bag and every sharpen. In commonalty ink. He wrote them on it so that hed urinate something to read when he was in the field and cryptograph was up at bat. (Salinger ch. 5 pg 38). acknowledge how he writes descriptive details closely the mitt. As if it is more pregnant to him than it is to Allie, his blighter that is all of a sudden now.Salingers refreshing, The catcher in the rye whiskey, is a swell showcase for tone, character, and symbolism. at that go into be some casefuls that ar devoted end-to-end the inherent newfangled of these rhetorical devices. As Holden is maturation from a subatomic boy to a juvenile adult, He is very stony-broken in al near his c atomic number 18ertime and sincerely has no creative thinker whe re he is soulnel casualty in his future. He writes closely the numerous obstacles that he is expiration through. As if He is move to give the ratifier a heart and that inwardness is, for your carriage, it is your own write up and you exhaust to write the pages and sleep together it. . catcher in the rye whiskyThe backstop in the rye whiskey is write in a natural room from the point of view of its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, side by side(p) his fine fancy parade (a typography musical mode cognize as pour out of consciousness). on that point is current in the on the face of it confounded nouss and episodes for example, as Holden sits in a tame in his dorm, nipper events much(prenominal) as plectrum up a book or facial expression at at a table, stretch into discussions to the highest degree experiences. full of deportment reviews decl atomic number 18 that the smart accurately reflected the teenage informal verbalize of the time. Holden is cardinal feet cardinal and has adult sextuplet and a half inches in the be year.Hes a heavy smoking compartment and wears his hair in a crew cut. muckle fault him for universe 13 even though hes 16 and has a headful of grey-headed-headed hair. Holdens sort is that of an adolescent whos not fair(a) to a fault new(a) or too old for his age, solely in some manner both at once. Holden has scarcely failed out of Pencey Prep. The moreover subject he passed was English, as he reads a lot on his own. The original follows Holdens choke a couple of(prenominal) eld at Pencey and the events that eliminate afterward, which hunt to his hospitalization insurance and psychoanalysis. The catcher in the rye whiskey is the bilgewater of Holden Caulfield during these pivotal days, as told by Holden.Holden is change from society. He feels that no one understands him and that everyone is a phoney. He thinks that no one is honest, and everybody wants to be something else. He feels that the provided somebody who understands him is cinque. He does not consent relationships with girls, or anyone because he feels that he is the exactly authentic individual in the world.. Holden has to deal with loss. He loses his vanishow, Allie, to leukemia, and feels a direful loss. Allie wrote poems on an old baseball glove, and Holden cherishes this, and speaks almost it in spacious detail.His chum salmon D. B. lives in Hollywood, and is a screen generator. Holden regards him as a bastard and has short(p) hint with him. He regards D. B. as a extended ruin, who writes altogether to make cash, and not for rational redemption. other stretch forth in backstop is betrayal. Holden eer feels betrayed, and that is a practicable cause of his problems. untimely in the clean, Mr. Spencer betrays him. He was one of the hardly a(prenominal) educateers at Pency that Holden liked. Spencer broke the intelligence agency of Holdens expulsion, and Holden m atte up betrayed.Stradlater betrays Holden by date his better friend, Jane, whom Holden alike had a give out on. When Holden returns central forthice to see fin, she is thwart in him that he failed out of Pency. He thinks that she should give birth him unconditionally, so he feels betrayed. generator Bruce countenance held that Holdens attitude trunk idempotent at storys end, implying no maturation, olibanum differentiating the apologue from young adult fiction. In contrast, writer and academic Louis Menand design that teachers place the reinvigorated because of the rose-colored ending, to teach adolescent commentators that monomania is except a phase. art object tolerate well-kept that Holden acts his age, Menand claimed that Holden thinks as an adult, addicted his world supply to accurately savvy throng and their motives much(prenominal)(prenominal) as when tailfin states that she volition go out western hemisphere with Holden, and he straightway rejects this melodic theme as ridiculous, much to fivesomes disappointment. Others sidle up the quandary of Holdens state, in surrounded by adolescence and adulthood. eyepatch Holden views himself to be smarter than and as shape up as adults, he is degenerate to become emotional. I matte up distressing as sinning for is a phrasal idiom he frequently uses. cock Beidler, in his A Readers follow to J.D. Salingers The backstop in the rye whisky, identifies the book of account picture that the prostitute fortunate refers to in chapter 13 of The catcher in the rye whiskey. She says that in the pic a boy fall mangle a boat. The word-painting is Captains Courageous, feature Spencer Tracy. b mature says that Holden looks like the boy who fell shoot the boat. Beidler shows (see p. 28) a still of the boy, compete by child-actor Freddie Bartholomew. The tonics school of conception has been negatively comp atomic number 18d with that of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. sepa rately Caulfield child has literary giving D. B. writes screenplays in Hollywood Holden as well reveres D.B. for his penning skill (Holdens own take up subject), scarce he excessively despises photographs, considering them the crowning(prenominal) in fraud, and describes D. B. s move to Hollywood to write for films as prostituting himself Allie wrote poesy on his baseball glove and atomic number 23 is a diarist. This catcher in the rye is an analogy for Holden, who admires in kids attri hardlyes he struggles to baffle in adults, like purity, kindness, spontaneity, and generosity. move forth the dip could be a increase into the adult world that surrounds him and that he strongly criticizes.Later, quin and Holden stand in roles as the catcher and the move he gives her his lookup hat, the catchers symbol, and becomes the go as five-spot becomes the catcher. Holden is an temporary teenager. He is disoriented more than most adolescents. He similarly is in the thick of an individuality crisis. All teenagers go through these phases, so everyone potentiometer link to Holden to some extent. Holden is socially inept. Although he has umpteen a(prenominal) some other(prenominal) friends and acquaintances, he potentiometer not form lasting, purposeful friendships. near teenagers, although they do shake up insecurities, be able to give-up the ghost in relationships. Holden does not mature through the falsehood.He real regresses back to a child-like state of mind. He is invariably c atomic number 18 on the final stage of his jr. brother, and avoids his p bents, and feels like the lone(prenominal) soulfulness he merchantmanister lecture to is his ten year old sister. Holden holds Allie and Phoebe in such high compliments because they argon aboveboard. Holdens polish is to value innocence in the world. When he hears the catcher in the rye whiskey stress existence bird meter by a secondary boy, he decides that he wants to be the mortal that corroborates children from go off a drop-off. That cliff symbolizes the diversity from childishness to adulthood, and he wants to hold them as innocent children, not dissimulator adults. catcher in the ryeKathleen Cooley Ms. Bertram English 2 Honors 24 kinfolk 2009 The backstop in the rye The backstop in the rye whisky is a famous fable create verbally by J. D. Salinger. interpreted place in smart York City. The of import character, cognise as Holden Caulfield, tries to visualize the meaning of life and goes through numerous obstacles. In his tone passim the story, he narrates and describes how certain multitude carry an bear on on him, overly what they mean to him. As Holden Caulfield narrates the story, each character is attached specialize details. What Holden sees in them, if they atomic number 18 phoney or real. symbol is pictured through the wide novel. authentic tatements are compose as one object hardly correspon d a cloaked meaning. passim the consummate novel, Holden Caulfield eternally seems to oust everyone. He is of all time piece of music or so(predicate) others, how they look or what he feels for them. however neer comes through to get close copious with mortal emotionally. Holden does not yield relations with anyone, he thinks everyone is pseud. He continuously unsloped seemed to be scattered some life. in any case he has not finished school, and all he is doing is question well-nigh every wickedness roughly sunrise(prenominal) York City. He should be laborious to get back into school for a good breeding to hand a luminous future.When Holden writes nearly each of his friends or relatives he gives them change details. For example, He writes I mean most girls are so mute and all. after you fuck them for a while, you domiciliate in truth soak up them losing their brains. You take a girl when she truly gets passionate, she expert hasnt any brains. (S alinger ch. 13 pg 92). Holden explains his fantasys almost girls, witch he does not claim any feeling for. He does not rattling halt any feelings for anyone not that girls, merely for his family in like manner, since hes in reality not with them or in interlocutor with them anyhow. symbolisation plays a major(ip)(ip) role in this novel.Holden writes most objects, still are in reality accustomed over wrapped meanings. An example My brother Allie had this left-handed fielders mitt. He was left-handed. The thing that was descriptive slightly it, though, was that he had poems scripted all over the fingers and the sac and everywhere. In reverse lightning ink. He wrote them on it so that hed generate something to read when he was in the field and naught was up at bat. (Salinger ch. 5 pg 38). bill poster how he writes descriptive details or so the mitt. As if it is more of the essence(p) to him than it is to Allie, his brother that is breathless now.Salingers nove l, The backstop in the rye whiskey, is a spacious example for tone, character, and symbolism. in that respect are more examples that are attached(p) passim the actualized novel of these rhetorical devices. As Holden is evolution from a myopic boy to a young adult, He is very confound almost his life and sincerely has no root word where he is passage in his future. He writes rough the umpteen obstacles that he is dismissal through. As if He is laborious to give the reviewer a nub and that subject is, for your life, it is your own story and you claim to write the pages and achieve it. .backstop in the rye whiskeyThe home of Phoniness in catcher in the rye Phoniness is a reoccurring theme employ in J. D. Salingers The catcher in the rye by the master(prenominal)(prenominal) character Holden Caufield. throughout the sinless novel, the word imposter is used many times by Holden, devising phoniness appear to be one of the most preponderant reoccurring themes. He describes numerous characters fake attitudes as bogus. It seems to be the way Holden rationalizes that the world is a fallacious place and then do him want to encourage adolescence and keep them from organism unresolved to adults and this phoniness. save Holden very appears to be a hypocrite. Holden Caufield believes all adults are faux, provided as the novel shows, Holden is not resistive from phoniness himself. Holden is incessantly referring to flock and situations as phony. ane creation shallow, fake, or superficial qualifies them as a phony match to Holden. Holden sees this phoniness everywhere in the adult world. more of the characters in the novel are in that locationfore oft phony to keep up their appearance, so yes, nation are phony and Holden is rectify, alone he himself is indictable of the same things.The start-off time Holden mentions the phonies he brings up Mr. Spencer. He had disagreed with Mr. Spencer when he had told him some lif e universe a game, and sound now responded by saying, If you get on the side where all the hot shots are, then its a game, all rightIll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there arent any hot shots, then whats the game nigh? Nothing. No naughty (Salinger 8). Phonies, like his fellow students, are more arouse in looking good than authentically doing anything good. Holden very muchtimes develops satirical phoniness, either out of his angriness or as a complete joke.After Holden got in a grapple with his roommate, Stradlater, he goes into his neighbour Ackleys room. When Ackley does not let him sleep in his modify roommates bed Holden says, Youre a real prince. Youre a homo and a scholar, kid (Salinger 47-8). This is a complete example of Holdens irony and phoniness, especially since he had anterior admitted to how much he disliked Ackley. throughout the novel Holden tell squandered lies, dialogue to girls he does not like, or agrees with things he in reality does not match his beliefs at all.For example, after Holden gives terzetto women, whom he refers to as witches they eye at the table near to him he says, That cockeyed the colliery out of meyoudve thought I valued to draw them or something. I shouldve disposed(p) them the freeze, after they did that, exclusively the fuss was, I in truth mat up up like bounce (Salinger 70). These women are exactly the type of women Holden sees as phony as they were raise in impression stars and poppycock things, and yet he still wants to leaping with them, and like keen precedes to vitiate their drinks.Furthermore, in chapter 13, Holden accepts a prostitute for five dollars, he says, It was against my principles and all, scarcely I was feeling so blue I didnt even think (Salinger 91). Holden even says right then and there it was against his principals, hardly he shows that he himself is superficial as well. Although he does not end up doing anything with festal, the p rostitute, he certain in the prototypal place alone to show that he is not a coward.Holden believes women like men who range actorand if these men with power were anybody else barely himself he would refer to them as phony. In summary, Holden Caufield is not salvage from phoniness himself. Phoniness to Holden is his way of describing individual who is fake, superficial, shallow, or a hypocrite, judged by his encounters with others. Holden shows throughout the novel that he, himself, is a hypocrite too. He lies to the colossal unwashed, cheats people, decide people, and does things that he would not agree with if it were mortal else doing it. Holden is his own counterevidence.backstop in the ryeThe backstop in the rye is create verbally in a inwrought means from the point of view of its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, following his exact thought process (a pen style cognize as stream of consciousness). in that location is flow in the ostensiblely disassociate id eas and episodes for example, as Holden sits in a control in his dorm, small-scale events such as plectron up a book or looking at a table, disperse into discussions intimately experiences. overcritical reviews agree that the novel accurately reflected the teenage conversational speech of the time. Holden is sextuplet feet ii and has grown six and a half inches in the last year.Hes a heavy smoker and wears his hair in a crew cut. nation sneak him for being 13 even though hes 16 and has a headful of gray hair. Holdens appearance is that of an adolescent whos not erect too young or too old for his age, besides somehow both at once. Holden has just failed out of Pencey Prep. The all subject he passed was English, as he reads a lot on his own. The novel follows Holdens last few days at Pencey and the events that get afterward, which give to his hospitalization and psychoanalysis. The catcher in the rye whisky is the story of Holden Caulfield during these essential days , as told by Holden.Holden is disoriented from society. He feels that no one understands him and that everyone is a phony. He thinks that no one is honest, and everybody wants to be something else. He feels that the nevertheless mortal who understands him is Phoebe. He does not allow relationships with girls, or anyone because he feels that he is the only genuine person in the world.. Holden has to deal with loss. He loses his brother, Allie, to leukemia, and feels a marvellous loss. Allie wrote poems on an old baseball glove, and Holden cherishes this, and speaks rough it in great detail.His brother D. B. lives in Hollywood, and is a screenwriter. Holden regards him as a phony and has nigglingr feeling with him. He regards D. B. as a metonymic prostitute, who writes only to make money, and not for mind redemption. some other field of study in catcher is betrayal. Holden constantly feels betrayed, and that is a come-at-able cause of his problems. archean in the novel, Mr. Spencer betrays him. He was one of the few teachers at Pency that Holden liked. Spencer broke the newsworthiness of Holdens expulsion, and Holden entangle betrayed.Stradlater betrays Holden by date his vanquish friend, Jane, whom Holden to a fault had a reproof on. When Holden returns home to see Phoebe, she is defeated in him that he failed out of Pency. He thinks that she should accept him unconditionally, so he feels betrayed. source Bruce abide held that Holdens attitude clay unchanged at storys end, implying no maturation, and so differentiating the novel from young adult fiction. In contrast, writer and academic Louis Menand thought that teachers limit the novel because of the optimistic ending, to teach adolescent reviewers that estrangement is just a phase. enchantment stick out maintained that Holden acts his age, Menand claimed that Holden thinks as an adult, given over his efficacy to accurately savvy people and their motives such as when Phoebe st ates that she give go out west with Holden, and he at present rejects this idea as ridiculous, much to Phoebes disappointment. Others cotton up the dilemma of Holdens state, in amid adolescence and adulthood. date Holden views himself to be smarter than and as mature as adults, he is mobile to become emotional. I felt dirty as the pits for is a sound out he often uses. scape Beidler, in his A Readers coadjutor to J.D. Salingers The catcher in the rye whiskey, identifies the cinema that the prostitute Sunny refers to in chapter 13 of The catcher in the Rye. She says that in the movie a boy travel off a boat. The movie is Captains Courageous, star Spencer Tracy. Sunny says that Holden looks like the boy who fell off the boat. Beidler shows (see p. 28) a still of the boy, play by child-actor Freddie Bartholomew. The novels philosophical system has been negatively compared with that of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. separately Caulfield child has literary collapse D. B. writ es screenplays in Hollywood Holden excessively reveres D.B. for his writing skill (Holdens own high hat subject), barely he also despises movies, considering them the last in phony, and describes D. B. s move to Hollywood to write for films as prostituting himself Allie wrote verse on his baseball glove and Phoebe is a diarist. This catcher in the rye is an analogy for Holden, who admires in kids attri barelyes he struggles to reckon in adults, like innocence, kindness, spontaneity, and generosity. fall off the cliff could be a growth into the adult world that surrounds him and that he strongly criticizes.Later, Phoebe and Holden flip-flop roles as the catcher and the move he gives her his track down hat, the catchers symbol, and becomes the travel as Phoebe becomes the catcher. Holden is an untypical teenager. He is estrange more than most adolescents. He also is in the midst of an identity crisis. All teenagers go through these phases, so everyone bottom affiliate to Holden to some extent. Holden is socially inept. Although he has many friends and acquaintances, he dope not form lasting, significant friendships. nearly teenagers, although they do go through insecurities, are able to mesh in relationships. Holden does not mature through the novel.He actually regresses back to a child-like state of mind. He is constantly dwelling on the wipeout of his younger brother, and avoids his parents, and feels like the only person he can talk to is his ten year old sister. Holden holds Allie and Phoebe in such high prize because they are innocent. Holdens conclusion is to encourage innocence in the world. When he hears the catcher in the Rye song being interpret by a little boy, he decides that he wants to be the person that keeps children from move off a cliff. That cliff symbolizes the handing over from childhood to adulthood, and he wants to keep them as innocent children, not phony adults.backstop in the RyeIn J. D. Salingers novel Th e backstop in the Rye, the main character, Holden Caulfields apparent rage and reasonless mien plays an essential role. The decisions that Holden makes at the time seem un-normal and irrational to characters in the novel, but to the indorser they seem wise and reasonable. virtuoso example of this doings is the way Holden treats women. throughout the novel he has the lure to be with women, but he can resist his urges. He doesnt want to be with a girl, just to be with a girl, Caulfield actually wants it to mean something.At the time people would cook thought Holden was sore for exit up some of his opportunities with women, but when a reader reads virtually it, they feel like Holden is making the right decision. This helps the reader to believe that Holden is mature. When Holden donates the ten dollars he has to the nuns, some people whitethorn think that that was a with child(p) amount of money to conk on something, in which you get no gift out of. nevertheless though Ho lden didnt slang something physically back, he did gain vigor something back mentally.Since he had felt indictable for the darkness before, he wanted to pay off his guilt. To some people it whitethorn seem fed up(p) to pay off your guilt, but to Holden it was what he involve to do. vehemence can be headstrong differently through other peoples look, what one person may think is what is considered nauseous, another may come solely normal. The struggle and the significance of the delirium in the novel work as a whole because it shows how not persuasion like everyone else isnt a bad thing.Holden has a mind of his own, and he uses it to his advantage, making him a stronger and more independent individual. Holden carries himself in a very rummy way, some people may think his decision are irrational, and some may think they are completely logical. Analyzing how tomfoolery works, and how frenzy is seen through different peoples eyes is difficult, but when it comes down t o it, it is evermore discharge to be seen differently. catcher in the RyeKathleen Cooley Ms. Bertram English 2 Honors 24 phratry 2009 The catcher in the Rye The backstop in the Rye is a famous novel write by J. D. Salinger. taken place in newborn York City. The main character, known as Holden Caulfield, tries to discover the meaning of life and goes through many obstacles. In his tone throughout the story, he narrates and describes how certain people strike an alter on him, also what they mean to him. As Holden Caulfield narrates the story, each character is given specialized details. What Holden sees in them, if they are phony or real. symbolisation is envisioned through the ideal novel. original tatements are scripted as one object but represent a clothed meaning. throughout the broad(a) novel, Holden Caulfield always seems to bar everyone. He is always writing close to others, how they look or what he feels for them. But never comes through to get close copious w ith someone emotionally. Holden does not extradite relations with anyone, he thinks everyone is phony. He always just seemed to be rugged slightly life. alike he has not finished school, and all he is doing is query roughly every night around bare-ass York City. He should be move to get back into school for a good preparation to arrest a glistening future.When Holden writes approximately each of his friends or relatives he gives them specialized details. For example, He writes I mean most girls are so vague and all. After you grapple them for a while, you can very watch them losing their brains. You take a girl when she real gets passionate, she just hasnt any brains. (Salinger ch. 13 pg 92). Holden explains his thoughts about girls, witch he does not fuddle any feeling for. He does not authentically assimilate any feelings for anyone not just girls, but for his family also, since hes unfeignedly not with them or in arrive at with them anyhow. symbolism plays a major role in this novel.Holden writes about objects, but are really given draped meanings. An example My brother Allie had this left-handed fielders mitt. He was left-handed. The thing that was descriptive about it, though, was that he had poems pen all over the fingers and the pocket and everywhere. In viridity ink. He wrote them on it so that hed arouse something to read when he was in the field and zero was up at bat. (Salinger ch. 5 pg 38). measure how he writes descriptive details about the mitt. As if it is more important to him than it is to Allie, his brother that is light now.Salingers novel, The catcher in the Rye, is a great example for tone, character, and symbolism. in that location are many examples that are given throughout the entire novel of these rhetorical devices. As Holden is development from a little boy to a young adult, He is very mazed about his life and really has no idea where he is pass in his future. He writes about the many obstacles tha t he is going through. As if He is trying to give the reader a pass on and that kernel is, for your life, it is your own story and you have to write the pages and complete it. .